Hooray! We did it! Congrats and thank you to everyone!

Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you.
Congratulations to everyone!

This is a moment for gratitude. (And happy dances!) With your support, we reached and exceeded the goal of The Roots of Resistance’s Community Publishing Campaign. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. This helps bring all kinds of amazing writing into the world this year, along with The Roots of Resistance. And, on top of all that, it keeps me healthy, alive, kicking, dancing, and writing. I am deeply grateful to all of you.

Please note: it is still possible to get a copy of the book until Sunday night at midnight Pacific Time. Here is the link:

I also want to thank everyone who helped in non-monetary ways with this book. It took a whole ecosystem of people. People have inspired characters, shared real-life dandelion-esque stories of creative resistance, taught me about issues that wound up in the book, caught typos, offered early feedback, cheered me on, healed me up, shared about the novel, posted my essays and articles, and so much more!

This year’s poetry chapbook is called “Tip the Scales” from the poem above. I feel like all of you are continuously making courageous choices to throw the weight of your life onto the scale of peace, justice, kindness, beauty, and life. Being a Community Supported Writer is a leap of faith onto this scale. I leapt in complete trust that I would find you all beside me … and there you were! Thank you!


This theme, by the way, is a core plot twist of one of the new pieces of writing you have helped make possible in 2018: Hope at the End of the World. I am so excited to get to dust off this beautiful manuscript and share it with all of you. This coming year of writing will be extraordinary: hope, courage, spirit, heart, love, creativity, resistance, persistence, and maybe even a little laughter along the way.

So, thank you to all of you for giving us all something to look forward to in 2018. Thank you for keeping me writing, for enjoying the new novel, and for leaping onto the scale of what’s beautiful and invigorating in this world.

Love and deep gratitude,

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